Monday, August 26, 2024

 main plot about a post apocalyptic world  where now vampires have come out of shadow because there is almost never any direct sunlight because nuclear war created clouds and they are hunting humans. Humans also couldn't fight back effectively against them because they have been weakened heavily because of war. Vampires are hunting in 2 different way one is nomadic hunting tribe where they capture humans and keep them alive and eat as per their pleasure. drinking blood of adult human last them for an year. Other way is they hide amongst human become part of their family as post war there were many orphans and many single family member looking for survival. there are plenty of empty homes. so usually a male vampire pretends to be helping them form a group/family protects them and over the years kill them one by one. main characters will be adult male vampire in looks around late 30s to early 40s, kind and handsome look (negative character), one female vampire look wise in hear early 20s or mid twenties, impulsive and with sharp looks( negative character), one human female in her late 40s to early 50s and teenage boy around 19-20 years old(protagonist). the story would be how vampire male and human female are living together for couple years now they are joined by female vampire and male human , male human join them first and after a month female vampire. As soon as boy starts living he became suspicious of male vampire disguised as human. he tries to convince human female but she ignored him and refused to believe , then he decide to expose him by gathering evidence but is also afraid of his life, things got difficult for  both male vampire and male human once female vampire starts living with them as male vampire was afraid his cover will be blown because of impulsiveness of young female vampire and male human was scared that if he gets caught trying to expose and escape from vampires he will be killed before he can save human female.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Iron Sky-

Iron Sky is a funny movie, a safe and non controversial line to start off.I first heard about the plot of this movie from my brother around 2-3 months back.Let me rephrase what my brother said"there is this movie which shows that nazis didn't lose the second world war instead they retaliate and went to the moon and now they will come back with advanced technology to win the world again".
That really sound something to look forward and i was waiting for some big hollywood high on special effects movie with big names and marketing budget, but didn't catch any such news in coming months so i asked my brother what about that movie you once told me about he said its released already and without wasting any moment i did what any movielovingcybersurfingtimewasting guys like me do, go straight to fairy godmother slash torrent.
So i was looking forward to high octane swashbuckling blockbuster and to my surprise it was smart comedy(most of them say black comedy) with nice effects with lots of political,racist innuendo.
My Rating:-7/10

Template for novel

It was one of those night when everything outside seems a little fuzzy especially when you are a detective and working for straight 52 hrs. Also the chill in air wasn't helping detective Jack case.
"Are you alright?" asked Mel.Mel was Jack's partner for last 1 year and he is more of a family guy one who came on time and goes on time."I've been better"replied Jack.
So what do you think do we have a case?
What do you mean "We have a case" we are not lawyer Mel.
You know what i meant do you think this time we can nailed that son of a bitch?
For the past 1 week incident of theft and murder have left city's police department under lots of pressure from media to come up with anything concrete.